
3운법칙에서 숫자 3과 7이 나타내는 의미 (영문)

Tayseek Kwon 2019. 3. 31. 20:23

숫자 3과 7이 나타내는 의미 (영문-옮김)

네이버 영어 사전 안내

3운법칙의 구성 숫자는 3과 7이다. 기타의 숫자 4, 5, 19, 1등은 이 두 숫자에서 연관되어 나온 것이다. 그러면 왜 이러한 3과 7인가. 그 연원을 잠시 구명해본 결과 범상치 않음을 알게 된 그 내력이다.


The third dimension - we do things in threes so they will manifest in our physical realm.

It's roots stem from the meaning of multiplicity. Creative power; growth. Three is a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis. Three is the first number to which the meaning "all" was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end.

The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. Notice the distinction that soul and spirit are not the same. They are not. Three is birth, life, death. It is the beginning, middle and end. Three is a complete cycle unto itself. It is past, present, future.

The symbol of three is the triangle. Three interwoven circles or triangles can represent the indissoluble unity of the three persons of the trinity. Others symbols using three are: trident, fleur-de-lis, trefoil, trisula, thunderbolt, and trigrams.

The astral or emotional body stays connected to the physically body for three days after death. There is scientific evidence that the brain, even when all other systems are failing takes three days to register complete shutdown.

There are 3 phases to the moon. Lunar animals are often depcited as 3 legged.

Three is the heavenly number, representing soul, as four represents body. Together the two equal seven (3+4=7 ) and form the sacred hebdomad. The 3x4=12 representing the signs of the Zodiac and months of the year.

Pythagorean three means completion.

There are three wishes, genies have three wishes, three leprecons, three prince or princesses, three witches, three weird sisters among others.

Cultural References

Africa Ashanti: the moon goddess is three people, two black, and one white.

Arabian, Pre-Islamic: the Manant is a threefold goddess representing the 3 Holy Virgins, Al-Itab, Al-Uzza, and Al-Manat. They are depicted as aniconic stelae, stones or pillars, or as pillars surmounted by doves.

Buddhist: tradition the theme of 3 is represented by, The Tri-ratna, The Three Precious Jewels, and the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

Chinese: Sanctity; the auspicious number; the first odd, yang number....The moon toad, or bird, is three-legged.

Celtic: Bridgit is threefold; there are the Three Blessed Ladies and innumerable Triads, often a threefold aspect of the same divinity.

Christianity: Three represents the Trinity, the soul, the union of body and soul in human in the church. There were three gifts of the Magi to Christ as God-King-Sacrifice; three figures of transformation, temptations, denials by Peter (one of the 12 Apostles--- 12=3 (1+2=3). There were 3 crosses at Calvary, He died on The Hills, there were 3 days to the death process for Christ, and there were 3 appearances after his death. There were 3 Marys, and there are 3 qualities or theological virtutes being Faith, Hope, Love or more commonly known as Charity. The number 3 gives to the meaning the embracing Godhead - Father, Mother, Son/Daughter.

Three is the mystery, come from the great one,

Hear, and light on thee will dawn.

In the primeval dwell three unities,

Other than these none can exist.

These are the equilibrium, source of creation,

One God, one Truth, one Point of Freedom.

Three come forth from the three of the balance,

All Life, all Good, all Power.

Three are the qualities of God in his light-home

Infinite Power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love.

Three are the circles (or states) of Existence:

The Circle of Light where dwells nothing but God,

and only God can traverse it,

The Circle of Chaos where all things by nature arise from Death,

The Circle of Awareness where all things spring from Life.

All things animate are of three states of existence,

Chaos or death, liberty in humanity, and felicity of Heaven.

There is an ancient wisdom that's says; 'Messages or events that come in three's are worth noticing. 'Whenever anything is mentioned three times it is a witness to us that these things are of utmost importance.

Three symbolizes manifestation into the physical. It is the triangle - pyramid shape in the vesica pisces - see image below.

The TV Show 'Charmed' deals the 'Power of Three Sister Witches', known as the Charmed ones. Their job is to vanquish evil forces in their many forms and sometimes non-forms.

The above symbol, called a Triquetra (tri-KET a Latin word meaning 'three cornered') appears on The Book Of Shadows.an ancient book of spells that assists these 'Charmed ones' in dealing with the evil forces they are continually encountering. In some episodes so called evil and good must work together to bring balance to a situation. They cancel each other out in the end - poof - gone - disappeared!

A powerful confirmation occurred as we walked back along the trail, unexpectedly encountering a huge grandmother tortoise seemingly waiting beside the trail to greet us. That's when I knew I was to share about the 'Power of Three' for those who may feel inspired to consciously work with this powerful element of sacred geometry.

'Power of Three' has to do with Alchemy. The Egyptian god Thoth or the Greek Hermes Trismegistus (Thrice Blessed or Thrice Great) are the progenitors of the Emerald Tablets describing the mysteries of Alchemy. The alchemy of three is demonstrated by its power of multiplicity. For example, in understanding the numbers - one gave rise to Two (1+1=2) and Two gave Rise to Three (2+1=3) and Three gave rise to all numbers (3+1=4, 3+2=5, 3+3=6, 3+4=7, 3+5=8 3+6=9). Thus in addition to being a number of good fortune, Three is also the number of multiplicity and alchemy among other things.

Many believe the Triquetrais an ancient symbol of the female trinity, because it is composed of three interlaced yonic Vesica Pisces (a.k.a. PiscisSLatin for "Vessel of the Fish") and is the most basic and important construction in Sacred Geometry, which is the architecture of the universe.

A Vesica is formed when the circumference of two identical circles each pass through the center of the other in effect creating a portal. 'The Triquetra' represents the 'Power of Three' or the threefold nature of existence i.e. body, mind and spirit; life, death and rebirth; past, present and future; beginning, middle and end; Sun, Moon and Earth; and the threefold co-creative process described as thought, word, and deed.

Vesica Pisces - Oval opening of the penis

The creation process as described in the Vedas is unfolding, maintaining, and concluding as in birth, life and death. There are innumerable trinities and triads throughout myth and religious traditions, such as the triple goddess; maiden, mother, crone. one example in Greek mythology is Kore, Demeter, Hecate. The Christian trinity is Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Vedic trinities include Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva with their consorts Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali to name just a few.

I have often referred to triple planetary and celestial alignments as a Triune Council. This month we have several Triune Councils including the important Venus retrograde in Scorpio that will join up with Mercury and the Moon. Scorpio is the archetypal sign of the powerful Sorceress Witch (the crone aspect also linked with Kali, Hecate, Pele, the Cretan Snake Goddess, Cerridwen and all the goddesses linked with death and rebirth).

Her job is to align with divine will for the purpose of commanding life force energy so powerfully that she is fully the mistress of magic and manifestation generating ecstatic life experiences through the Shamanic Process of death and rebirth. It is worth noting all the Triune Councils that occur regularly 'Above and Below' as they energize the 'Power of Three.'

When we are seeking direct experience of these energies we can then work with them more consciously. If you feel inspired by and connected to the 'Power of Three' it may be worthwhile to experiment with gathering in groups of three with a common intent and then invoke the Power of Three and notice what happens. This just may be one simple key to planetary transformation utilizing the Power of Three to catalyze the alchemy of our world into the fully embodied, living experience of Heaven on Earth.


Fate, the Moirai, who are three-in-one as Moira; Hecate is three-fold; the Erinyes are three-in-one as Erinys, as are the Gorgons as Medusa. There are three charities, graces. There are 3 sirens, Horae, Hesperides, Graiai. Cerberus is a triple-headed and Scylla has a 3 bitch tail. The Chimera has a three part body. Three, four and their sum, seven are sacred to Aphrodite/Venus as queen of the three worlds and four elements. Orphic symbols has the triad of Being, Life, Intelligence.

Hebrew three is symbolized by Limitless Light; sanctifying intelligence. In the Kaballah three represents understanding and the trinity of male, female and uniting intelligence.

Hindu: The Trimurti, the triple power of creation, destruction, preservation, of unfolding, maintaining and concluding. There are various trinities of gods. The moon chariot has three wheels.

Japanese: The Three Treasures are, Mirror, Sword and Jewel--that being Truth, Courage and Compassion.

Maori: the Great Spirit, the Divine Creator, is a trinity of sun, moon earth, the god of nature, of past, present, and future. It is mind, character, physique symbolized by three raised fingers.

Mexican: the Trinity is represented by three crosses, one large, two smaller.

Scandinavia: Fate as the Three Norns, Mani, Nyi and Nithi, who denote the full, new, and waning moon.

Teutonic mythology: the moon is Fate, and Holda, the lunar goddess, is trine with her two daughters. Thor is sometimes depicted with three heads and the triskele is a symbol of Odin/Woden. Three is the number of good fortune. In Carthage, the Great Goddess, as lunar, is represented by three aniconic pillars.

Slavic: The moon god is triple-headed.

Taoist: The Great Triad is Heaven-Man (Human)-Earth. Three is the strong number in Taoist symbolism because it is the center point of equilibrium.


If 6 represents humanity then 7 - the center of the spiral is humanity's connection to its source, god, Christ consciousness - or whatever name you prefer.

Seven is the number of the Universe. It is the three of the heavens (soul) combined with the four (body) of the earth; being the first number containing both the spiritual and the temporal. In looking over the list of meanings it doesn't take long to figure out why the seven has become significant in metaphysical, religious and other spiritual doctrines - as seven represents the virginity of the Great Mother - feminine archetype - She who creates.

There are 7

ages of man

ancient wonders of the world

circles of Universe

cosmic stages

days of the week



pillars of wisdom

rays of the sun

musical notes - sound as frequency plays a key roll in matters of Universe. There are over 80 octaves of frequency - each governing a specific manifestation in Universe.

Cultural References

In all cultures, myths and legends seven represents...

completeness and totality









The writings about the seven-headed dragon appear throughout India, Persia, the Far East, especially Cambodia, but also Celtic and other Mediterranean myths.

The seventh ray of the sun is the path by which the human beings pass from this world to the next. Seven days is the period for fasting and penitence. The seventh power of any number, both square and a cube and thus was given great importance.

Alchemy - There are seven metals involved with the Work.

Astrology: There are seven stars of the Great Bear which are indestructible. There are seven Pleiades-- sometimes referred to as the, Seven Sisters.

Buddhist: Seven is the number of ascent and of ascending to the higest; attaining the center. The seven steps of Buddha symbolize the ascent of the seven cosmic stages transcending time and space. The seven-storied prasada at Borobadur is a sacred mountain and axis mundi, culminating in the transcendent North, reaching the realm of Buddha.

Chinese culture the meaning and symboligies are intertwined throughout in their myths and legends of fairies and animal spirits.

Christian: Seven is idealogogy. God is represented by the seventh ray in the center of the six rays of creation. There are seven sacraments; gifts of spirit; the seven of 3+4 theological and cardinal virtues; deadly sins, tiers of Purgatory (in metaphysical belief this would be one of the lower astral planes - or in Buddhism, one of the Bardo planes). There are 7 councils of the early church - crystal spheres containing the planets - devils cast out by Christ - joys and sorrows of Mary the Blessed Virgin, mother of Jesus - liberal arts - major prophets - periods of fasting and penitence - seventh day after the six of creation

In the Old Testament there are the seven altars of Baalam; oxen and rams for sacrifice; trumpets; circuits of Jericho; seven times Naaman bathed in the Jordan. Seven is the number of Samon's bonds; the child raised by Elisha sneezed seven times. The Ark rested on the seventh month and the dove was sent out after seven days.

The number seven is used 55 times in Revelation. It usually means fullness or completeness as in seven days of the week. God rested on the seventh day. Examples abound: seven churches, seven trumpets, seven seals, seven bowls, seven eyes etc etc.

Egyptian mythology: There are seven Hathors as Fates and the priestesses of Hathor have seven jars in their seven tunics. Ra has seven hawks representing the seven Wise ones. Six cows and a bull represent fertility. There are seven houses of the underworld, as depicted in Egyptian myths, with three times seven gates. Seven is the sacred number of Osiris.

Graeco-Roman: Sacred to Apollo, whose lyre has seven strings, and to Athene/Minerva and Ares/Mars; Pan had seven pipes (again a reference to seven musical notes and frequency); there seven Wise Men of Greece.

Hebrew tradition: Seven is the number of occult intelligence. There are seven Great Holy Days in the Jewish year; the Menorah has seven branches; the Temple took seven years to build; and there are seven pillars of wisdom.

Hinduism there are Seven Jewels of the Brahmanas and seven gods before the floods and seven Wise Men saved from it.

Islamic: The perfect number is seven. In Islamic tradition there are references to seven:



earths and seas


prophets (active powers) states or stations of the heart The Ka'aba is circumambulated seven times representing the seven attributes of God.

Magic: There are seven knots in a cord for "spellbinding" and incantations are sevenfold. Certain orders of Brotherhood use theme of tying seven knots in their rope sash worn around their waist.

Mithraic: The cave of Mithras has seven doors, seven altars, and a ladder with seven rungs depicting the seven grades of initiation into the mystery schools.

Pythagorean: Seven is a cosmic number with three of heaven and four of the world.

Sumero-Semitic: There are seven lunar divisions and days of the week. "Thou shalt shine with horns to determine six days and on the seventh with half a crown.", the seventh thus becomes opposition to the sun and symbolizes darkness and balefulness and therefore is dangerous to undertake anything on the seventh day because that is the day of rest. We can see here the influence of this belief in other religious contexts. There are seven zones of earth; heavens, symbolized by the planes of ziggurat.

There are seven branches to the Tree of Life each having seven leaves. Leaves are symbols of fertility, renewal and growth. There are seven gates of hell, seven demons of Tiamat and seven winds to destroy her---interesting to note that in many belief systems it is said that the astral plane has seven levels to it--one sound on one of those levels is "wind".

Seven is a mystic number traditionally associated with Venus and more recently with Neptune. It is the number of feelings and of instincts - of the Group Mind, of Love, whether that strange, indescribable but pervasive feeling of love is towards another person, a pet, oneself or one's God. 'Love' embodies tremendous sexual energy, the emotions of which may be directed in various ways.

Heptagon is the inward directing of that emotion, the containment, the 'love inside', that is symbolized by the heptagon. It is the love we 'hold' and can equally signify a deep religious conviction, a forming of our God in our own image or an infatuation with another. It is feeling contained.

The 7-pointed star or heptagram is a mystical occult symbol. Like the pentagram, it has been called the Witch's Star, also the Astrologer's Star. Beyond six points, the polygrams all have multiple configurations and the heptagram may be drawn in two different ways - an obtuse form and an acute angled form; both forms are unicursal, here shown together with the third 7-point figure, the heptagon.

In cabalistic terms, the number '7' is attributed to Venus. It relates to Man's mundane feelings and his instincts - to his sexuality . It relates to Man's place in the pattern of Nature and to his linking with the Group Mind - the undifferentiated Soul of Mankind.

Man's pattern of mundane life is much ruled by the seven day cycle of the week. The seven classical 'planets' : Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturlend their names to the days of the week and may be arranged around the figure of the heptagram.

Placed around the acute heptagram in the order of their apparent speed of movement in the heavens, the 'planets' are ordered along the unicursal line in the order of days of the week.

The heptagram also relates to the seven chakras of the body. These are the energy nodes that rise up the course of the spine from the basal node, where is coiled the Kundalini serpent, to the point at the top of the head. The mundane well-being of the body and its aura are linked to the chakras. The heptagram is symbolic of this balanced, flowing of bodily energies and of health. It is a symbol relating to healing and dynamic balance of the body physic.

There are two forms of heptagram:

The obtuse form suggests passivity, contentment and attuning with nature and its forces; of healthy rhythms and normal sexuality; of balanced feelings and satisfied desires; of normal receptivity and awareness of the feelings of others.

The acute, active form suggests an outgoing interaction with nature's forces, making progressive use of them and directing sexual energy. It suggests strong feelings and strongly expressed desires; likewise perhaps, heightened sensitivity to the emotions of others. It is a symbol of the empath and the healer.

Combining the three seven - pointed figures together, creates a beautiful mandala of meditation.



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