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기도와 성경을 게을리할 때 닥치는 엄청난 결말

Tayseek Kwon 2018. 9. 17. 11:39

이미지: 텍스트

빌리 그레이엄의 자서전 'Just As I Am'을 보면 그 정체가 완연히 드러납니다.

한국교인들은 그런 정보에 접하기가 어려워 다들 좋게 말하는데

배도의 앞잡이임이 이 책을 보면 알게 되지요.

확실하게 "나는 이제는 성경을 믿지 않는다"고 말하기보다

어정쩡하게 애매모호하게 발언하는 것이 가장 위협적인 요소가 되는 것입니다.

아래 영문은 아래 주소 비디오의 댓글 중 하나인데 참고하실 수 있습니다.

네이버 영어 사전 안내





Sad that the naysayers who commented on this video cannot accept the facts presented but it's a sign of the times. In the last days people will not be lovers of the truth which is where we are today. Today's so-called 'Christians' cannot handle the truth because they have been dumbed down by denominations whose pastors do not teach or preach the true Gospel and charlatan TV evangelists who promise wealth and healing in exchange for supporting them. They do not teach the Bible - and even when it is quoted they use a false version that is nothing more than a counterfeit. 

Like some others who posted here I was raised in church and heard Billy Graham on TV numerous times over the years. I read many of his books and for years I read his Decision magazine. We also had copies of many of the various Bible versions that he promoted and distributed around the world and through his Billy Graham Evangelistic Association sent out to supporters of his ministry. My uncle was one of those who attended a Crusade in 1957 or '58 in Los Angeles and he had went forward then as a young man in his early 20's to make his profession of faith. Upon returning home he began attending a small Baptist Church which was pastored by a Bible believing man of God who taught the milk and the meat of the Word of God. My uncle stayed faithful to the Lord and that church over the decades until there was a major split in the 90's after liberal theology had crept in with many compromises on every turn. His support of Graham continued until he read Billy's 'Just As I Am' biography in 1999 or 2000. After reading Graham's book he separated himself with Billy and announced that Graham was an apostate. Here are some of the highlights of his book:  

In Graham's own words of his book he admitted he didn't believe Jesus was the only way to heaven, revealed that he believed that everyone would be saved and nobody would be lost (Universalism), and let the cat out of the bag that he didn't believe the Bible was inspired or authoritative, preserved or infallible or inerrant, but merely a collection of allegories, good stories, some history etc, that he did not believe in several things in the Bible: the Creation story, a literal Adam & Eve, Noah and the ark, & the worldwide Flood, Sodom & Gomorrah, Moses & the parting of the Red Sea, Daniel in the Lions Den etc (the tip of the iceberg!) He also commented on his beliefs in Evolution, his position on abortion stating it was his belief that life does not exist until the newborn takes a breath in it's own, also revealing that he did not even believe that homosexuality is even spoken of or dealt with in the Bible and said it was definitely not a major sin if a sin at all. He also said he didn't believe in a literal hell but said it was only a state of mind. It took me years to wrap my head around all of that. I didn't want to believe it. But it's true! I thought he was a modern day apostle. I was wrong! 

Over the years it has become patently obvious to anyone with the ability to observe or listen closely that Graham had become a Catholic sympathizer. He had long been on the Ecumenical road that teaches we need to all lay aside our doctrines and just be one in unity under the banner of Christ's name and ignore our differences in order to become a global body of believers that are all different but all with the same agenda to stop arguing or even discussing our differences amd to acknowledge one earthly world church leader - the Pope. After all the Pope's whose rings he has kissed and had private mass with in the Vatican it's not a long shot to say he was a closet Catholic.

  Not only that Billy has long been noted as Freemason who joined their ranks back in the late 40's, was seen in the company of many prominent Freemasons, and often photographed or filmed giving Freemason hand signals and secret signs. In the official handbook on Freemasonry in America Billy is listed with a detailed bio sketch and history of his association with them. 

Even more disturbing is the fact that Billy Graham has never met a liberal theologian or a world religion leader he didn't like. He has never met a US President he didn't like. he has never met a dictator of a foreign power or despot leader of a 3rd world nation he didn't like - many of them in fact he called "great statesmen" regardless that they were sworn enemies of both the US and Israel, as well as Democracy, Christianity and Judaism.   Billy Graham was an apostate who spread confusion not only in his mixed messages but also in his promotion of false Bible versions that contradict one another as well as false teachers who contradict the Bible and Jesus. He was a heretic in his beliefs that "we are all going to be saved" and that "Jesus is not the only way to heaven" - his associations with the Pope's and Vatican, world leaders, Presidents and his soft sell "Just as I am" conversions in response to his so-called 'gospel' preaching without any mention of repentance are absolutely unbelievable. Combined with his association wih Freemasonry for over 6 decades one can only deduce that when he died he went to the big Masonic Lodge in the sky!