It was about (19)63, when I came home from school for lunch (I was 13 at the time) to find that my Mother had very uncharacteristically locked herself in, which at 13 had quite alarmed me! on gaining entry my Mother proceeded to tell a very strange tale. She said that while preparing the vegetable's for dinner, she had been standing at the kitchen sink (which looked out onto our garden) it was winter (January as far as I remember) and had been snowing on and off for most of the morning, she had been thinking how pretty the snow had looked in it's freshly fallen pristine state. Shortly after she had left the kitchen for no more than 10 minutes, on her return she again stood at the sink and immediately noticed a strange single file line of hoof prints running the length of the garden and disappearing into the small stream that ran at the bottom! And for some reason, that to the day she died, could not fathom, was overcome by an intense feeling of fear, hence the reason she locked all the doors. After hearing this tale I went into the garden to look for myself, but unfortunately it had continued to snow and any sign of said prints had been covered up. When this incident occurred neither my Mother or I had ever heard of the "Devils Footprints" tale, and it wasn't until several years later whilst looking through books in the local library that I came across the reference to it. As an epilogue to this strange occurrence my Mother and Father became friends with the neighbours who lived across the stream at the bottom of our garden and he (the husband) remembers seeing strange marks going across his garage and house, he also had several railway sleepers stored in the garden for an upcoming project, and said that these had been tossed around and were scattered all over the place (his words). The tale is still told in our family circle and the mystery remains.
DPA(Devils' Practical Appearances)를 DAPA(Devils'-Angels' Practical Appearances) 즉 "다파"라고 해도 무방하다. '디피에이'보다 '다파'가 어감상으로도 기억하기에도 좋은 것이다. 이유는, 똑같은 사람이라도 악인이 있고 의인이 있듯이 겉모양새는 똑같은 현질/形質의 영물/靈物들이기 때문이다. 고로 여기서 DPA를 보는 것은 APA(Angels' Practical Appearances)를 보는 것과 마찬가지이다. 단지 비디오에서 보는 영물은 인간 세상을 지배하는 자들로서 거룩한 천사들은 이 세상이 마귀의 영역인데다 그와 같이 인간과 노닥거릴 이유도 없으므로 악령인 줄 안다는 것뿐이다.
발자국에 대한 비교적 최근 기사 July 23, 2017
기록에 남아 있는(전설 종류가 아닌) 대로의 발자국 소동은
그 최초가 1855년 겨울 영국이었다. 런던 타임즈를 비롯 도하 각 신문에서 연일 난리 굿이 났다고 함.
학구적으로 이를 취재하여 자세하게 관찰한 것이 이 논문(영문)이다.
The Devil's Hoofmarks: Source Material on the Great Devon Mystery of 1855
국내외 발자국 관련 자료를 모아본 것.
구글 발자국 이미지 페이지
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상호 입증 관계에 있어 이들 불가분의 세 가지를 함께 참고하시면 됨.
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